User Guide

1) Add your shop info

From your home screen (dashboard), Click "user account settings" and add your shop info. This will be used to generate your call scripts and will be included in email updates sent to customers. Next, add your shop logo. Your logo also gets embedded in emails to customers.

2) Add your employees

Click Employees, and then add your employees contact information, selecting if they are techs or salespeople. Your salespeople will automatically be cc'd on any customer email updates.

Click edit employee to customize their photo, % pay, and other information.

Once you add your employees, you will be able to assign them to jobs and use the payroll calculator functions.

You can also use the sorting and organization features of Dent Shop Manager without the employee or payroll features. Just start adding customers.

3) Add customers

Add a new customer from dashboard, or navigate to "My garage" and at the top left click "Add new customer".

Add the customers information and click submit.

You don't need to fill out all the fields if you don't want to, but the phone call scripts are generated with claim number, vehicle info, customer contact info. So without adding this info, the call scripts will have blank spaces.

Once you add a customer, the app will take you back to the "garage" screen and you will see the new customers record on the top of the "new" category.

Click on the record to view customer info.

To edit/add customer info or assign salesperson & tech, just click "edit" in the top right.

4) Sort through customers and update their status

When you click on a customer record you can see the customers status, notes, and claim information. Scroll down and you will see some buttons that let you update the status of the customer.

When you update the status, the app will exit the customer record and navigate back to the My garage screen.

5) Add income, expenses

From the customer info screen you can navigate to the financial screen for that job by clicking "Job $$$" button.

Here you can add the insurance pay amount, rental bill, parts invoice total, plus another field for miscellaneous fees.

Then the app will calculate your net profit on the job and how much your employees are owed based on the percentage you customized for them.

6) Do payroll

Once a customers status moved to "approved" you will see the job appear in payroll.

Access payroll from your dashboard or from the customers job expenses screen. Each box will show how much the assigned tech and salesperson are making. When you click "pay sales" or "pay tech" the app will create a record and save it.

7) View your finances

From your dashboard click "$$$" button to view your shop financial overview. This will show you how much you have paid to each employee, your totals for income, expenses, net profit, etc